There is however, a growing awareness among both the medical profession and the general public on the dangers of unhealthy related behavior, stress, poor dieting, and lack of exercise as potential threat to good health, and their contribution to the emergence of depression. It is very unfortunate to say that depression is not culturally recognized in sub African region like Nigeria.

Poverty and high rate of illiteracy could also be seen as a potential factor why it is usually very hard to complaint that an individual is depressed, we rather complaint headache, malaria, feverish condition, stomach ache, high blood pressure and many more. We have also failed to realize that the above mention conditions are the signs and symptoms of a giving disorder or condition like depression.

Many Nigerian businesses or organizations are so concern about profit maximization that they over stressed their employees who before or after their retirement have nothing to offer. We have to study or observe the life of an average Nigerian police officer before or after the age of 65. I mean the lower rank personnel. They are either frustrated, psychologically tired of life- the answer is simply DEPRESSION. This condition is also applicable to other sisters’ organization like the Nigeria Army, the bank staff and most of the private organizations.

In places like Onitsha, Aba, Lagos state, Port Harcourt, you will see young men working day and night without adequate feeding, rest, medical attentions, and no aerobic exercise. In fact, most of them resort to self medication, finding comfort in drinking and smoking.