The purpose of the approach to the understanding of depression is to provide systematic understanding of the history,diagnosis  and the therapy to be applied.
As the word suggests, psychoanalysis implies the approach to the understanding of depression from the psychoanalytical explanation with emphasis on structural analysis and functions of the intra human psyches. According to Sigmund Freud, human behavior whether normal or abnormal are largely influenced by the unconscious process acquired essentially during the first few years of our lives, Freud (1923). Therefore, any abnormality or imbalance between the three internal drives could pose a threat to the individual behavioral pattern. These internal drives which are (a) id- the selfish and self centered drive (b) ego- operates on morality principle and (c) super ego- operating on morality principle. Any conflict or imbalance among the trios usually leads to unconscious conflict or intra-psychic disturbances; Sigmund Freud believed that this intra-psychic conflict is behind what we do, what we feel, think, say and do. Robert Sternberg (2001) depression is one such end results.

This focuses on the way an individual mental functioning, process of interpreting sensory stimuli, his perception, and his level of reasoning. Psychologists believe the individual develop negative perceptions, pessimistic ideation, thought that forms almost every of his behavior pattern. In other words, negative view of ourselves and the world around us are as a result of our mental experiences and perception which result most of the time to distorted thinking. For example depression tends to occur in person who believes that no matter they do, it will result to failure. Interestingly, the research of Peter Lewinsohn and his associate (1980), suggests that at least some aspect of the distorted cognition that are characteristic of depressed individual are not distortion at all.

This can be explaining from the point of view that the individual reinforces maladaptive behavior rather than adaptive or generally accepted form of overt behavior. The wrong concept is learned and applied. This set of people reacts negatively to physical stimuli. It could also be a result of either classical or instrumental conditioning gone awry, Robert Sternberg (2001). For example, post traumatic stress disorder could subject the individual to a severe condition resulting to a depressed state of mind.

According to Albert Bandura each of us has a unique personality because of our individual history of interactions with the environment, and because we think about the world and interpret what happens to us. There is a continuing interaction between our environment, cognitions, and behaviors. According to Albert Bandura (1963), behavior is learned through social interaction, watching the behavior of other or making an individual a role model. The unfortunate aspect of this role model aspect, is that in most cases the wrong attitude are learned and when our motives are not sanctified or met with, frustration set in, and if not closely monitored, depression becomes the end result. Learning theory emphasized lack of reward may contribute to a state of depression.
This focuses on the role of drug interaction on metabolic functioning in the brain and other part of our systems. Drugs have the ability to either repair or damage our physiological or psychological and function. Modern psychiatry is concerned about drug interaction and the way the way they influence our behaviors for example, Prozac causes axon that secrets serotonin to reabsorb the serotonin more slowly: making it  active in the synapse longer, and giving it more time to stimulate the dendrite of the next neuron, the side effect is accompany by depression. Drug like tramadol capsules when exceed the normal dosage could cause slow breathing (respiratory depression).
Let’s take a look at most of the benefits and problems of sing these drugs.
(a)       Anti depressant always work partly by correcting key personality risk factors of depression (Tony Tang, a psychology professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois USA.
(b)      The study of people who took Glaxo Smithlines drugs like paroxetine, suggest that drug may also treat factors such as neuroticism and make him less depressed.
(c)       Anti depressants help to correct neural transmitter imbalance and to increase the availability of serotonin and dopamine at the receptor site.
(d)      Apart from the above benefits, the damages are far more serious than imagine. For instance, antidepressants have tremendous effect on our emotions, libido(sexual drives), dry mouth, muzziness, spasm- muscle contraction or rigidity, tremor, mood disorder, dementia, emotional disturbances, convulsion, gastrointestinal disorder, sleep disorder, impair vision, mental disorder, drug dependency, cardiovascular diseases, and many other.

   Antidepressants can increase the chances of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in teens, and young adults. Suicide is a known risk of depression and some other psychiatric disorders. Alert your doctor right away if you have new feeling of depression symptoms, strange behavior, or thoughts of suicide.

Recent researches indicate that depression is biologically inherited and that many families have a history of depression running in their genes. Some scientists attribute it to abnormality in chromosome formation and mutation. Other researches indicate an abnormality in the neurotransmitters in the brain, for instance, excessive or low secretion of some certain neurotransmitters could cause problem in the re uptake of neurotransmitters. This suggest that abnormality or low level of neurotransmitter may be linked to depression, Robert Sternberg (2001).
Another major factor to be consider, is the role of hormones in the body, for instance, the over secretion of adrenaline in the blood stream could lead to aggressive behavior while any under secretion could lead to mood cycling and  mood disorder. These secretions could lead to depression mostly when the individual is physically challenged.

This could be explain in term of spiritual dimension, many still neglect that depression is spiritual, and that there is not empirical evidence. If we believe in God and the existence of demonic powers then we must conclude that depression is spiritual. The account of Job’s fate was as a result the devil’s hand work, Job 1:6-10, have you consider how Job was inflicted with diseases. In the book of John 10; 10, for the devil came to steal and to destroy…. But God came to give life abundantly….. This approach is almost neglected but it is a factor beyond the understanding of a psychologist, or any medical expert. This can evidence in most diagnosis failing to trace the history and cause of depression. In most cases the wrong diagnosis is usually attributed. We must believe that depression is a spiritual weapon to inflict people with bright futures.

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