Friday 24 February 2012



Sexual desire serves an important evolutionary function, in that it is key to survival of many kinds of organisms including human beings (Robert Sternberg 2001). This statement implies that sex is a vital aspect of man’s life that cannot be underestimated or underrated when it come to life’s enjoyment and fulfillment. 

When I published one of my works on signs and symptoms, where I stated that most people are depressed due to sex frustration, a friend of mine felt I was wrong. But then here comes the truth, sexual behavior requires psychosocial balances to fully engage and enjoy sex. 

When our emotions are not in term with our desires there is often a sort of intra-psyche conflict within us. This conflict is usually transferred to others as a mean of defense mechanism. If this conflict is not quickly resolved, it gives way to mild depression in the long run. This is because the individual is from time to time internally disturbed, his emotions and feeling are usually not in term.

Depression is a state of intra-psyche conflict meaning there is trouble when the internal structures called id, ego and super ego. This means the three internal component are not in agreement, that is using the psychoanalytical explanation. 

We can still used the humanistic explanation to say that an individual could also have some self concept disturbances. However, all of them point to the same direction. Let’s take the case of a young man who married a young beautiful tall looking lady because of her sexy looking figure, only to discover that what he originally proposed was not what he is seeing. He could be that he married the lady because of her sexual figure but then things change and his expectations begin to develop some negative ideation and feeling which if not quickly control could result to more serious psychological problems- depression. 

These negative idealizations process could be exhibitionism; voyeurism, pedophilia, sexual masochism, and inability to control develop a proper sexual behavior. In most cases, when the problem persists without a solution, the individual resort to lack of interest in virtually everything about sex, he begins to hate sex and sexual intercourse. When this mental disturbances begin to occur more often, the individual show signs and symptoms of social withdrawal.

Many individuals report that their fantasies are always present but that there are periods of time when the frequency of the sexual fantasies and intensity of the urges vary substantially (DSM –IV pg 405 and 568). 
Another  problem is the use of sexually enhance drugs to elicit sexual pleasures and long lasting performances, yielding to another more serious problem called SUBSTANCE-INDUCED MOOD DISORDER - A condition characterized by predominant and persistence disturbances in mood. This depressive disorder is due to prolong effect and abuse associated with the drugs. This depressive disorder is caused by direct psychological effect of drugs abuse or drugs dependency.

Sex is natural and must be enjoyed without any external enhancer whatsoever. 

These set of human beings develop a delusional fantasies due to their inabilities to fulfill their sexual behaviors. These behaviors may increase in response to psychological stressors and in relation to other mental disorders or inability to fully engage in sexual activities.

Now let’s see properly how these two variables affect each other

1.   One of the signs and symptoms of depression is the lack of interest or pleasure in nearly all forms of sexual activities and sexual relationships ranging from courtship to marriage. This is a vivid picture of broken homes and divorces in our recent time. 

2.    Many people are becoming victims of depression as a result of substance induced mood disorders due to the fact that they cannot fully enjoy what sex is all about. Many who find their selves frustrated resort to some other ways of sexual gratification or unnatural sexual behaviors such as masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, pedophilia, and many more distorting the reality of what sex what original designed for.

3.   Depression gives us a wrong mental cognition about sex, which is the reason many people will tell you, I don’t like sex, and I hate sex. The secret is that they don’t enjoy the efficacy of sex. Even when they are forced into sex they don’t see anything worth in it, thereby placing us on both spiritual and psychological bondage.

4.  Depression creates in us sexual fantasies that causes marked distress or interpersonal relationship difficult. We don’t see any positive psychological attraction in the opposite sex, sometime when we see these attractions or develop these feeling, they don’t make any sense or they can be very brief.

Saturday 14 January 2012


Culture defines the way by which a given society or group of people behavior (psychological and physical) is perceived.

Culture to a very great extent influences the way we behave, thinking pattern, and perception as well as management and treatment of disorders like depression. As a matter of fact, I am going to focus on the role of culture comparing the African culture and the Western countries like the United States and Europe.  

I want to first of all say that African culture which practices a collectivity’s culture has never had anything like depression and it has never existed in its medical lexicon if any at all. Depression is just a mental picture formed and placed in the mind of the common African man, overtime this picture begin to manifest and cause some intra psyche conflict within the individual. We all know anything the mind grasps, it never let go so easily rather it recreate the picture to either fit or cause some psychological problems.

Looking at the structure of the African cultures, whether the Ibos, Fulani, Dahome, Hausas, Yoruba, the Efik, the Bahumono, the Ijaws and many others, you will discover a common practice that centers on group concern, hospitality, group thinking, extended families, communal concern, a high level of oneness. A cultural pattern that respect and value the effort and well-being of others, hardly can any individual be left in isolation.

The Western culture on the other hand, focuses on individualism, a system that isolate an individual at a very tender age, and a system that make people more self centered, egocentric and less concern toward the need of others. This culture gives room to loneliness, sadness and even evil thoughts. That is why people are easily subjected to committing suicide, this is because the thought of suicide is a recurrent negative thought that often come and go. When there is nobody around to share your feelings and emotions, when there is nobody to talk to, the last resort usually is suicide. These set of people see suicide as an alternative to prevent further pain and suffering.

Another important factor to consider is the psychological attachment to materialism. The African culture has never had any phenomenon on materialism rather places much value on brotherhood and concern for life. An average African will be the least person to take his life in the midst of poverty and/or hardship, to them life is so precious to be taken at the slight provocation or frustration. The fear of failure has never been attached any such stigma. Hence, any African person was ready to fail and still be optimistic. The case is usually different with the developed countries, with the advancement in the diagnosis and treatment of depression, it still remain the number one cause of untimely death and planned suicide. This is because the term “suicide” has been oversimplified to even cause a psychological trauma at the hearing of such explanation.

Any culture that rely so much of natural medication and food do not suffer depression rather this natural medication and food supplements provide basic body defense that not only prevent but also treat disorders like depression. The Western countries have a different situation, where about 60-70% of it food come from processed food, junk food and its source of medication from artificial substances called “DRUG”. A substance with a potential adverse effect on the individual and even caused more complicated condition for depressed victims. 

It is very unfortunate, to see more problems arising from the use of chemotherapy, despite their progress, many more damages have continue to increase as a result of adverse drugs effects, a concern that has prompted psychopathologists to view it as an era of increase in abnormal behavior mostly among the growing teens.

However, it is important to note that depression is now real and has come to stay but the relevant of culture to the identification and treatment of depression cannot be neglected or overemphasize. The truth is this, the Africa culture places more emphasis on spiritual explanation of most disorders, attributing causes to witches and wizard mostly when it gets to the point of suicide and death. This because an average African person valued life so much that, no individual can take it by force unless under external influence.

Record has it that collectivist culture comprises about 70% of the world population and have lower rate of crime, alcoholism, suicide and other related depressive conditions than do individualist culture like the Europe and North America  where the rate of organise crime has doubled in recent time due to drug abuse, alcoholism and other forms of crime.

In my interview with some people on the death of Gary Speed, almost 80% attributed the cause to demonic powers. One told me, we are in the end-time, I should not be surprised, Gary Speed may be richer than a local government in Nigeria, he has got a name for himself, and has lived like any other person except that inside him there was a vacuum of loniness and frustration which nobody was there to fill this space with joy and happiness. The African culture would not allow that to happen to him because his extended and immediate family as well as close relatives will always be there for him.